Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Barack Obama Will Decide Who Can Visit You In The Hospital | RedState

Despite what most knee-jerk Leftist-Liberal-Progressive-Democrats believe, most Conservatives don't have a problem with gays visiting each other in the hospital. This canard is always brought up to defend the notion of same-sex marriage or state-sponsored same-sex unions. This is really a strawman argument as most hospitals do not prevent same-sex partners from hospital visitation rights.

The problem with Barry Vladimir Hussein Soetero Obama's grand announcement on this policy is that the President does not have the authority to determine the internal policies of every hospital in the country. The implications go way beyond Ace spending time with Gary in the hospital. If Obama (or any president) can meddle in this, what is off limits? People are all too often short-sighted on these issues. If a decision supports their goal or desire they are all for it regardless of the process or the precedent. The precedent, in this case, sets the stage for any number of abusive intrusions into private affairs.

Dan McLaughlin's piece at RedState provides some important context to the implications of this particular intrusion.

Barack Obama Will Decide Who Can Visit You In The Hospital RedState

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