Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Hampshire Repeals Freedom of Religion and Parental Rights

This story out of New Hampshire is horrifying. A 10 year-old girl who excels in a home-schooling program, and whose social skills have been commended by teachers at the local public school where she takes some elective classes, has been sentenced to a public school by a rogue judge. Although, the child is excelling in her academic progress, it was decided that she needed the public school influence to rid her of some undesirable behaviors.

The situation was then analyzed by the court-appointed guardian, who made a recommendation to the court. During the evaluation process it was determined that Amanda was excelling in her schooling and used curriculum that was approved by her school district. The curriculum used in her home schooling was created by certified teachers, and Amanda routinely took standardized tests.

Furthermore, Amanda attended her local public school to take art, Spanish, and P.E. classes. Her public school instructors also commented on the fact that Amanda was well-rounded in her social skills. But a sticking point arose concerning Voydatch's Christian faith.

The court order stated: "According to the guardian ad litem's further report and testimony, the counselor found Amanda to lack some youthful characteristics. She appeared to reflect her mother's rigidity on questions of faith." The guardian noted that during a counseling session, Amanda tried to witness to the counselor and appeared "visibly upset" when the counselor purposefully did not pay attention.

The guardian also noted that Amanda's relationship with her father suffered because she did not think he loved her as much as he said he did due to the fact that he refused to "adopt her religious beliefs."

According to the court order, the guardian concluded that Amanda's "interests, and particularly her intellectual and emotional development, would be best served by exposure to a public school setting in which she would be challenged to solve problems presented by a group learning situation and...Amanda would be best served by exposure to different points of view at a time in her life when she must begin to critically evaluate multiple systems of belief and behavior."

That's right, a government bureaucrat determined that Amanda was "too Christian" and really needed exposure to more non-Christian stimuli. Hopefully, her mother will fight this heinous decision. Whether federal, state, or local, it is none of any arrogant bureaucrat's business how strongly a young person holds their religious views. American citizens need to reclaim their individual sovereignty when they face such government abuses. They work for us, not vice versa.

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